Benefits of Bath Salts
Bath salts benefit your skin in more ways than one. Bath salts, when used in their natural, pure form, contain many beneficial minerals and nutrients that keep your skin smooth, soft, and supple. Some of the minerals found in bath salts include magnesium, potassium, calcium, bromide, and of course, sodium. These minerals are easily absorbed into our pores and are known to cleanse and purify our skin on a molecular level, improving your skin’s radiance, tone, and texture. Magnesium helps us fight stress and combat fatigue; calcium keeps water retention in check, promotes healthy bones and can help stave off osteoporosis; potassium balances moisture levels in the skin; bromide soothes tired, sore muscles; sodium plays a significant role in managing the balance of lymphatic fluid in our bodies. The result? Bath salts benefit not only our skin, but our entire bodies – from the inside out.

Another benefit of bath salts is that they help detoxify our skin. Warm water opens our pores, allowing the minerals in your bath salts to deeply cleanse our skin. Bathing in a solution of warm water and bath salts will work to draw out impurities, pollution, oil and dirt from the skin. Bath salts can even bring you the added benefit of looking younger – regular use of bath salts and bathing has been shown to decrease the appearance of fine lines by plumping the skin and balancing moisture.

The benefits of bath salts are not just skin deep; bath salts harvested from the Dead Sea have been shown to effectively treat and manage symptoms of osteoarthritis and tendinitis. In recent studies, people with these conditions were given a Sea salt bath solution at levels of .5, 7.5 and 2 percent sea salt concentration. The results? The condition of those who received a solution with more Sea salt improved after just a few weeks of treatment. In various studies, patience have  reaped even more benefits through the use of bath salts – symptoms such as itchiness, insomnia and psoriasis seem to subside after bathing regularly for as little as a few weeks.

The benefits of bath salts extend way beyond your time in the tub – after your bath, you will feel calm, relaxed, and happy. Bath salts infused with essential oils such as lavender or chamomile will soothe you and prepare you for a good night’s sleep; if you take your bath first thing in the morning, bath salts infused with citrus or green tea essential oils will perk you up, so you can start the day with focus and energy. 

Bath Salts For Rheumatoid Arthritis ~Your skin will absorb the minerals in bath salts while you soak. These minerals, in 
combination with the hot water, can help provide relief from rheumatoid arthritis. And helps to reduce swelling, stiffness, and soreness.

Bath Salts For Body Aches, Muscle Soreness, And Neck Pains~ The magnesium present in bath salt is absorbed through your skin as you soak. It helps relax your skeletal muscles by flushing the buildup of lactic acid from them. It also helps regulate the muscle and nerve function in your body.

Bath Salts For Acne~ Bath salt helps kill off acne-causing bacteria while also hydrating your skin. It 
contains magnesium and sulfate ions which also help improve your skin tone.

Bath Salts For Eczema & Psoriasis~ Bath Salts help draw out all the toxins from your skin.And help exfoliate and further 
draw out toxins from your pores. Soaking softens the scales that psoriasis leaves behind on your skin. It also offers relief from the itching.

Bath Salts For Colds~ The sulfate content in the bath salt helps rid your body of toxins. Your skin absorbs the 
minerals your body needs to regain health while boosting the detox process.

The best part: you can enjoy the benefits of bath salts without any side effects. In addition, bath salts are safe for everyone, easy to use, and very affordable. What are you waiting for? The many benefits of bath salts await you!
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